Cropwise Protector SUCCESS STORIES

Cropwise Protector Digital Solution

Potato Scouting with Cropwise Protector

Using Cropwise Protector over the course of the summer and fall scouting made life much easier. Countless hours were saved over the year with the ease of use of the app. Since it uses georeferencing to tag data to a crop zone, there is no time spent searching for the crop zone you are in to input data. You just enter the data, and it sorts it for you. Selecting through all the different data sets you can put in is straightforward and easy to follow. One great feature about working with Cropwise on the app is that it can be tailored to fit what we are wanting on a scouting form. It was personalized to fit potato scouting and what information we need to have available to have complete reports.

Colorado Potato Beetle
Grower touching Potato plants

When looking at scouting reports from the web portal they are also just as easy to follow. Reports are presented to you on a per day basis and also by a map where you can select crop zones. Both are very useful for seeing the latest data entered and clicking on a specific field. From both the web portal and the app, pictures that were taken during scouting are easy to find and see. They are tagged to the issue or input that the picture was taken for, so you always know what you’re looking at. 

When looking at scouting reports from the web portal they are also just as easy to follow. Reports are presented to you on a per day basis and also by a map where you can select crop zones. Both are very useful for seeing the latest data entered and clicking on a specific field. From both the web portal and the app, pictures that were taken during scouting are easy to find and see. They are tagged to the issue or input that the picture was taken for, so you always know what you’re looking at. 

Grower touching Potato plants

Training and support have been very helpful over the time using the app this past year. Syngenta came to the farm to give an in-person training where they were able to go over all the apps uses and features. This was also very straightforward and an easy process to learn. Whenever I did run into an issue with the app support was very prompt on getting me back going.

Shawn Zellers - Black Gold Farms

Observing the field holding a tablet

"Whenever I did run into an issue with the app support was very prompt on getting me back going."

Shawn Zellers - Black Gold Farms